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동상이몽2 - 너는 내 운명 방영중

(Same Bed, Different Dreams 2)

연예/오락| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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다양한 분야의 커플들이 알콩달콩 살아가는 모습을 '남자'와 '여자' 입장에서 바라보고, 운명의 반쪽을 만난다는 것의 의미와 두 사람이 함께 사는 것의 가치를 살펴보는 프로그램
제작 노트
As the average life expectancy keeps inscreasing and living alone has never been as well accepted by society as nowadays, getting married today may sound like a risky commitment. By observing different kind of couples from the positions and point of view of both sides, this program explores what it means when people say they have met the right one and decide to spend the rest of their lives with them.

포토 (2)