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써클 : 이어진 두 세계 방영안함


드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


2017년 외계에서 온 인물의 등장과 함께 벌어진 의문의 사건을 쫓는 평범한 대학생 우진과, 2037년 감정이 통제된 미래도시 '스마트지구'에서 벌어진 의문의 사건을 쫓는 열혈형사 준혁! 두 남자가 현재와 미래를 배경으로 벌어진 미스터리한 사건을 추적해가는 과정을 그린 드라마
제작 노트
In 2017, Wu-jin, a student at the best institute of technology in the country, is so embarrassed about his twin brother Beom-gyun and his alien conspiracy theories that he decides to send him to a psychiatric hospital. When he learns that his brother has disappeared, he asks his friend Jeong-yeon for help, but she’s already busy trying to find out the truth behind her best friend’s mysterious death. They end up completely baffled when they discover that both cases are actually the work of aliens. In 2037, Jun-hyeok, a cold and rude veteran detective with an impressive record, hears that a crime has just been committed for the first time ever on “Smart Earth”, a utopian world where all emotions are regulated to prevent crimes and conflicts. As he has always longed to live there, he right away seizes the opportunity to offer to lead the investigation. But his ulterior motive is to probe the activities of HumanBe, the big conglomerate that created Smart Earth.

포토 (3)

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