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수상한 파트너 방영중

(Suspicious Partner)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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두 남녀 주인공이 편견 가득한 세상과 싸우고 화해하며, 희생을 통해 성장해가는 스토리를 그린 심장쫄깃 로맨스드라마
제작 노트
Although Ji-wuk boasts the best record among prosecutors, he’s not interested in receiving honors and just wants to keep charging criminals. One day, a woman in the subway takes him as a pervert and causes a scene, only to meet him again later that day as his new partner. Bong-hui has a strong spirit, as she just showed by passing the bar exam even though she dropped out of high school. Despite their differences, they eventually get along and come to trust each other. Therefore, when she wakes up with amnesia next to a dead body and is charged with murder as a result, Ji-wuk is the only one believing in her innocence and willing to defend her in court.

포토 (3)

배우와 스탭



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