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당신은 너무합니다 방영안함

(You Are Too Much)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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불꽃 같은 인생을 사는 스타 가수와 이름조차 우스꽝스러운 모창 가수, 두 주인공의 애증과 연민이 얽히고 설키는 인생사를 통해 인간에 대한 깊은 이해의 시간을 마련하고자 하는 드라마
제작 노트
Yu Ji-na has been under the spotlight for 20 years as a pop singer and her life may look like she’s got it all, but she actually often feels the urge to go out incognito in the middle of the night to drink her sorrow away. Indeed, she cannot forgive herself for having abandoned 19 years ago her blind son on a train in order to pursue her dream. One night, she ends up in a shady cabaret where a young woman impersonates her on stage. Impressed by her performance, she decides to meet her and offer her help, since she reminds her of her younger days. Hae-dang is doing this to help her family pay off debts, and although she wishes she could sing her own songs under her own name, people have now come to expect nothing more than her impersonation act.

포토 (2)

배우와 스탭



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