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보이스 방영안함


드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


상담원이라는 별명으로 불리며 가장 변방으로 취급 받지만, 사실 삶과 죽음을 가르는 가장 긴박한 순간들이 모인 ‘112 신고센터’ ‘3분 도착, 5분 현장 확인, 10분 검거’의 긴박한 타임 리밋 속에서 범죄현장의 골든타임을 사수하는 112 신고센터 대원들의 치열한 기록을 생생하게 담아내고, 우리 인생의 골든타임, 결코 포기해서는 안되는 그 순간의 용기에 대해 이야기한다
제작 노트
Jin-hyeok is a detective whose life has been ruined the day when his own wife became a victim of a serial killer he hadn’t been able to catch. As he’s still hasn’t overcome his profound feeling of guilt to this day, he keeps looking for the killer in his free time. Kweon-ju lost her police sergeant father to the same killer soon after she joined an emergency rescue center following her prestigious training. As she had witnessed the crime over the phone and clearly heard the culprit’s voice, she decided to study voice profiling in the U.S. Now that she’s back to South Korea, she joins by chance Jin-hyeok’s unit. As they discover they have a common goal, they decide to work together.

배우와 스탭



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