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이번 주 아내가 바람을 핍니다 방영안함

(My Wife’s Having an Affair this Week)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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남편이 아내의 불륜을 알게 된 뒤 SNS에서 익명의 사람들과 교감하는 내용을 그리는 드라마
제작 노트
Hyeon-wu thought he was starting to hit his stride, now that he has a decade of experience as a TV producer under his belt and that he’s been living with his wife Su-yeon for eight years without hiccups. That is, until one day he gets absolutely convinced that she’s about to cheat on him. Feeling helpless and having no one among his friends to turn to, he ends up asking on social networks for advice on how to save his couple. Many people come to care for his desperate call and decide to give him a hand.

배우와 스탭



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