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굿바이 미스터 블랙 방영안함

(Goodbye Mr. Black)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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몬테크리스토 백작을 모티브로, 한 남자의 강렬한 복수극에 감성 멜로를 더한 드라마
제작 노트
Ji-won is a cheerful and optimistic young man from a wealthy family, his father being the chairman of Seonwu Group. He’s always thought highly of his best friend Sun-jae, so when the latter enlisted in the navy, he followed his steps and eventually joined the Underwater Demolition Team. But one day, his father suddenly dies under mysterious circumstances and he’s accused of treason, he has no other choice but to call off his marriage and flee to Thailand. While investigating, he discovers that the one behind all his misfortune is the only person he would have never suspected: Sun-jae, who is now heading Seonwu Group and married to his ex-fiancée. In order to take his revenge, Ji-won takes on a new identity by getting married to an orphan woman met in Thailand, but he unexpectedly falls in love with her.

포토 (5)

배우와 스탭



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