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가족을 지켜라 방영안함

(Save the Family)

드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


리뷰 남기기


부자 3대의 다양한 삶과 갈등을 통해 부모와 자식으로서의 책임과 도리를 다하고 있는지 가족의 의미를 되돌아보는 가족 드라마.
제작 노트
Wu-jin is a surgeon who is often envied by his colleagues for his excellent work and makes the pride of his parents. But his ill-fated relationship with Ye-won, who has been ultimately forced to get engaged to a richer man, leaves him in despair. As he also loses the opportunity of being hired as a resident doctor at the university hospital where he studied, he decides to work in a smaller hospital. There, he meets Hae-su, a cook at the cafeteria. She’s been raising alone seven children abandoned by their parents, but still dreams of having a relationship and get married.

배우와 스탭

